The 2nd Mediterranean EM Congress - Sitges/Barcelona, Spain, Sept 13-17, 2003
작성자 대한응급의학회


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Organizers: AAEM (USA), EuSEM (Europe) & SEMES (Spain)

Co-organizers: CORD, FERNE, NAEMSP, and SAEM

Yes, for the first time in the history of our specialty, 36

organizations & national specialty societies have worked

together and are participating in this historical Congress

and its program, as co-organizers or official sponsors.

They all promoted the Congress to their members and are

sending official representatives to the Congress.

The result: We are providing the largest and most

impressive line-up of speakers and moderators (over 300 on

the list)

- 8 simultaneous tracks, 6 workshops

- So far, we already have over 700 confirmed participants &

200 submitted abstracts!

- An incredible line-up of Speakers (You must scroll down

and take a look at the historical list!)

- Delegates from all over the world:

Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Lebanon, Israel, the West

Bank, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania,

Poland, Ukraine, Sweden , Norway, Denmark, Bahrain,

Germany, Slovakia, Austria, Bosnia, Albania, Ireland,

Georgia, Russia, Zimbabwe, Argentina, New Zealand, Canada,

Australia, Malaysia, Iceland, the UK,the Netherlands,

Belgium, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, India, Pakistan,

Mexico, Chile, Sudan, Morocco, China, Taiwan, Japan,

Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, the UAE, the KSA, Oman, Egypt,

Algeria, Turkey, and many more... Yes, they are all coming

and working together to provide the best opportunity for

international exchange and networking, and the most

impressive educational and scientific content.

Do not miss it!

Come and celebrate in Spain and Barcelona the (your)

specialty of Emergency Medicine!

See message below... or visit

Our website has been updated to reflect many important

change. Check it out and take a look at the historical line-

up of societies and speakers and at the program, with its 5

days of 8 tracks and its 6 workshops.

The Congress Organizers


----- Original Message -----

The European Society for Emergency Medicine (EuSEM)

La Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Urgencias Y Emergencias


& the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM)


The Second Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress

Hotel Melia Sitges - Sitges/Barcelona, Spain

September 13-17, 2003

2nd Announcement and Call for Abstracts

Co-Organizing Societies & Foundations

The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM)

National Association of Emergency Medical Services

Physicians (NAEMSP)

The Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD)

The European Master in Disaster Medicine (EMDM)

Foundation for Education and Research in Neurological

Emergencies (FERNE)

N.B. The SAEM and CORD portions of the program and their

speakers do not receive any form of industry or exhibitor


Hosting Societies

La Societat Catalana de Medicina de Familia i Comunitaria


La Sociedad Española de Medicina Rural y Generalista


Hosting Institutions

Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

University of California, Irvine, USA

Università del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy
